
2009 Minty1 - Raumati, Kapiti

It's Feb 1st. We're already 1/12 of the way through 2009. And today is the start of 2009 TSCF Minty - the Ministry INTernship Year. From Feb to Nov Minterns, who are recent graduates, are trained and enthused about the grace of Jesus. This year is all about grace - giving things a go and growing in the knowledge and love of Jesus; all within the student context.

The aim is based on Psalm 92:12-15 - that each man and woman may grow gospel convictions that last a lifetime.
Here's a fuller explaination of what we're trying to achieve with Minty.

Minty is very exciting.
It's exciting to see a focus on input into the Minterns rather than a focus on output.
It's exciting to see a focus on grace.
It's exciting to see transformation as Minterns grow in experience of handling the word of God correctly, ala 2 Tim 2:15.
It's exciting to have 3 residential conferences throughout the year, and all in baches by the beach which is a lot of fun.
It's exciting because Minty is discipleship training that is refreshingly different.
It's exciting for me to be part of it. I'm well looking forward to working with and training Nathan here in Lincoln, and all other Minterns nationwide as I care-take Minty throughout NZ whilst my colleague Andy recovers from a cycling accident.

Minty1 conference starts tomorrow, at a bach in Raumati, Kapiti Coast. The Minterns will be nervous, thinking 'just what have I let myself in for?' and I'm nervous in leaving Lizzy & Gideon at home for a week without me. I'm not looking forward to leaving them home alone, nor the 5.30am departure, but I am looking forward to the rest of the week!

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