

We're half-way through Movember - the month formerly known at November.
The good guys at Movember came up with the winning idea - blokes growing moustaches and raising funds for prostate cancer and mental health research. Last year I grow a fine mo, if I say so myself, so this year it was time to give it another go, much to Liz's chagrin!

The rules - clean shaven on Movember 1st, with before and after photos; other than that, any style goes. It's been great travelling around Canterbury and seeing lots of fine mos in early growth.

It's great to raise awareness, and if you'd like to contribute to research into men's health to help the experts work out why men still live 5 years less then women, and in particular research big men's health areas of prostate cancer and mental health - go here to donate via credit card (and NZ taxpayers get a tax receipt).

This week I'm in Paraparumu for TSCF Student Leader's Conference, then in India for 3 weeks. I'm looking forward to the work, but not to being away from Liz. She's not looking forward to it either, being heavily pregnant.....but she is looking forward to not having to look at my moustache!!

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