
Monster garage sale

Lizzy here.

Today was the auspicious occasion of the annual Lincoln Baptist monster garage sale, raising funds for overseas missions. The event is 21 years old this year.

Here are my fellow book-stall-holders Prof Richard Dewhurst, and Dr Errol Wood. (I reckon I'm getting so much more intelligent, by hanging out with people with PhDs all the time).

(This picture was before we allowed the hoards inside the hall).

It's usually pretty busy for the first hour, when the serious bargain hunters are getting stuck in, but then by 11.30 we were telling people to fill a bag for a dollar.

It's a good way to recycle stuff, and help the student community get set up for the year, as they arrive in Lincoln this week, and need furniture for their flats.

These are our friends Matthias, and his daughter Asha, looking for a bargain.

And here's Pam - our wonderful missions team organiser, and Kaye, the latest addition to the Missions Linc team. They've done a great job of selling kitchenware, as you can see. Not much left at all.

Everything was sold or packed away to go for recycling by 1pm, and then it was time to start counting - grand total profit for 2008 was $4800. Not bad eh?

It'll be interesting to see what happens next year, as Lincoln Baptist has just been given our 12 week notice that we'll have to find a new venue to meet on a Sunday (and also for our next garage sale of course), as the community centre is apparently due for demolition very soon.

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