

We're now into early December and I need to give an update on Movember. Movember (the month formerly known as November) is an excellent idea from the Prostate Cancer Research people. Clean shaven on Nov 1, and grow a mo through the month, raising funds for research and raising awareness. I've been telling everyone that more people in NZ die from prostate cancer than breast cancer.

Anyway, here's my effort, in NZ cricketer mode and more common smiley Mothy mode:

Comments welcome. I reckon it's not bad for me first ever mo. I'm really quite pleased at how ugly it looked. Liz thought it was delightful, of course, in the same vein as a Tui ad I saw recently - 'My missues reckons my Movember mo is a great thing.....yeah right'.
All good fun, but I'm pleased it's now December and it's gone until next Movember - suggestions for next year's style on a postcard please!

1 comment:

MrXfactor said...

Beige Brigade uniform, facial hair growth and references to Tui beer ads!!? Mate, you are really getting to grips with Kiwi culture now. Well done Tim!