
LUSA and the sovereignty of God

God's sovereignty is great. The timing with the way he works things out does make me smile. For example, a couple of days ago I happened to ring Jo at LUSA (Lincoln University Students Association) to enquire about their programme for O-week at the beginning of the 2008 academic year come February. She said it wasn't finalised, but why not come to her office to see the draft?

So I did.

And in that afternoon meeting she mentioned that the LUSA executive had been talking about Jesus Awareness Week. Now in that moment I was concerned - i feared that they didn't like the chalking, the talks, the posters, the questionnaires during Jesus Week in July, and thought they'd not want to have a Jesus Week in 2008. But I was wrong. She said that we had a choice of two weeks for 2008, so as not to clash with Maori Language Week. Fine said I, and chose week of 14th July.

More 'smiling-at-God's-sovereignity-ly' our conversation was just two hours before the 2008 student diary was being sent to the printers, so our conversation about Jesus Week 2008 meant that it could go in the diary for 14.7.08. This diary is something that every student at Lincoln University receives when they enroll. Cool eh?

So not only was there no grounds to my concerns that LUSA didn't like Jesus Week 2007, but Jesus Week 2008 is listed in the diary for every single student!

Just have to sit down with the Christian Fellowship and work out how best to use that time now.....

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