
Lizzy's theological thought

It occurred to me as I looked back over our blog that there is a pattern emerging. Mothy does some profound Christian theological thoughts, and I witter about little kittens or something equally inane. Then Mothy does some more encouraging Christian wisdom, and I tell you about chutney, etc etc. Here is an attempt to rectify that.

I recently finished reading this excellent book. It was one of those, where nearly each and every paragraph made me want to copy it out and keep it in my quote book to refer to. But that would have got a bit out of hand, and probably got me in copyright trouble! I kept reading bits out at Mothy from every page, saying 'here's a good bit'. It was such a good read because it really made me think again about the culture we live in (though it is written from an American perspective, so needs a filter for NZ, or UK), and how we so often treat cultural norms as morally and spiritually neutral, when actually they're anything but.
In fact, just after I finished it I went to some motivational lunch-time seminar thing at work, and because all David F Wells' prophetic warnings were sounding so fresh in my mind, the seminar really really got me down! Certainly de-motivated me, as I was thinking about it for days afterwards. It was full of the usual sort of stuff about there being no meaning in the world - only what you choose to make; and you personally deciding on your path for life and how to get there. Everyone just seemed to nod thoughtfully and lap it all up. But it scared and upset me. It was a) completely heretical, shaking a big 'I don't need you' fist at God, and b) incredibly selfish and self-centred. I tried talking to a few people about it afterwards, but even though they're scientists who think for a living, they didn't seem to be thinking very deeply about this...
Ho hum. Now what do I do with my gloom about that???

1 comment:

sittinggiant said...

Read John Piper's "Pleasures of God", man it'll make you smile.