
LUCF leaders 2006-7

It's now the end of the undergrad academic year here in Lincoln (some other NZ unis are still going), and I realised I ought to blog about the LUCF leadership team. Last week one of the team asked me for a reference for a scholarship application, which I was happy to write. When they read it, they said 'Are you sure that's about me Mothy?'. It made me realise that I might not be enthusiastic enough about the group of people with whom I plan and pray for the gospel on this campus.
Here's a picture of the team, at a weekend away on Banks Peninsula, a time to pray and plan big picture stuff for the year ahead. We stayed in a bach on Rue De La Mer, which is quaint if a little odd (Akaroa, the French settlement is over the hill).

They're a great laugh, even if some of the lads did insist on sleeping on the cricket outfield in bivvy bags with a fire in the morning to warm up.

They are all dedicated to the gospel in Lincoln. There's some gifted leaders, administrators, ideas people and evangelists. Sure, some lack boldness and confidence as many do, and some need to learn to have more confidence in the Bible as complete and sufficient for faith and in evangelism - but I'm pleased to be in Lincoln with Jess, Teresa, Saki, Will, Pete, Nicole, Cam, Phil & Rhys.

I pray that their summer season, on farms, in mines, in seed companies, with family both in NZ and Japan - will be a time that they continue to become more like Jesus and that the Holy Spirit will encourage and excite them about the gospel in 2007 - in every area of the campus. I pray that they will pass on vision to new students, and that they'll be excited about TSCF nationwide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

exciting stuff brother, and encouraging too! shame i didn't get to meet any of those ppl at SLC. were there any from lincoln at SLC/conference? yet there are so many there dedicated to the Gospel, it's a real inspiration. with you guys down south all the way down south, and us JAFAs up north :)
just wanted to say also that you were such a big encouragement to me during SLC, and at midyear conference too! but especially during SLC, cheers for answering all my sticky questions, for being patient and understanding... and for really encouraging me and making me feel loved and inspired towards godly living and ministry mindedness :)
have an awesome summer and keep in touch brother. looking forward to meeting lizzy sometime.
oh, meeting sarah on 7 dec to work thru things, pls pray!! thanks :)