
105 & Dubai

I'm writing this from the TSCF office in Wellington at the start of TSCF annual staff training - and am greatly looking forward to the week.

A quick update on the house: Last week we sold 105 (for the 3rd time). Significantly, this time it's to a cash buyer who is an ex-pat Kiwi living in Dubai, and his mum from Tai Tapu has been round doing all the looking and advising him.
So, we're excited, but cautious too as it's just a paper contract at the moment, and won't go unconditional for the next couple of weeks. All being okay though, we hope to move in October.
It's nice that Lincoln is so small and friendly though - Liz has dealt with the mum through work, and it turns out we'll be at the same am-dram production together next week.

Thanks to those that have prayed and asked us and encouraged us as we've been stressing.

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